Hi, im triona. I'm 40 and I've had long covid since March 2022. My symptoms started abruptly when I got covid with a very severe chest pain that also radiated out my back. It was so extremely painful and I found it difficult to get my breath that my husband rang an ambulance. They sent me home hours later telling me the usual....everything looks fine. I spent march to May in absolute agony. Constantly at my Dr begging for pain relief. Nothing they gave me worked. I ended up in hospital again the end of May and spent 3 weeks there. They did mri's, xrays, blood and nothing showed up. And yet again they sent me home. I was unable to stand up and even get myself to the toilet. My husband had to lift me. It was the most horrific experience. I've 2 daughters, who were then age 9 and 5. It was so awful for them to see me so very sick. After going to numerous doctors and spending lots of money on dead ends, eventually a pain consultant gave me injections directly into my chest and back. After a couple of weeks my pain started to ease. By August I was able to walk around the house again myself and there was finally some light at the end of a very dark tunnel. The extreme fatigue eased a little and I slowly started to be able to make my own food again, shower without a shower seat, started driving again and could manage to look after my children again. October and November I felt I was improving. Then December came and I tested positive again. Every symptom that had improved came rushing back along with more symptoms. Mentally I really struggled. It's been a total of 16 months now and I have some ok days. I try my best to get on with things but it's so hard to stay positive. My worst symptoms now are chest pain, shortness of breath, unable to stand/walk for long, pressure in my head, muscle and joint pain, tremors. I'm so fearful of getting covid again. I'm doing my best to stay hopeful.
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The Long Covid Collective
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Hey Triona,
Thank you so much for bravely sharing your story, it really moved me and I felt quite emotional reading it! I am so sorry to hear how touch your journey with long covid as been. I can only imagine how awful it was to be admitted to hospital for struggling to breathe. I have had this sensation lots of times, only less severe, so it must have been extremely scary. And then to be told that ‘nothing is wrong’ must have also been so tough too! I am pleased to hear you have support around you but at the same time I can imagine that being a mother places an incomparable toll because you just want to be a mother and you aren’t able to do everything you want to for your daughters. But I am sure they understand and just like you are for them, they only want the best for you and just want you to get better! Which I know that you will!
I am so pleased that the injections the consultant gave you helped and that your symptoms slowly got better. But then to hear that you were reinfected honestly broke my heart! You certainly did not deserve that! However it’s good to hear you are experiencing good days and Triona, you got through your darkest of days twice over now, that’s got to count for something right? You should be so proud of how far you’ve come.
Your journey through this tough tough time demonstrates your inner strength and determination, you should honestly be so proud of that. I completely agree that it’s so hard to be positive and that’s okay! It’s okay to be angry and negative about it. But I know that overall your positive strength shines though and that’s the main thing! Thank you so much for sharing your story, my heart goes out to you but I also feel inspired by it, so thank you.
Sending so much love to Triona and wishing you all the best with you recovery. I really hope those nasty symptoms start to alleviate soon. Thank you for doing your best to stay hopeful, that’s all we can do! You aren’t alone with this and we will get through this. Keep in touch! Jemma ❤️
Also thank you to @Charlotte for your lovely reply to Triona too - I just love the long covid community we are all a part of ❤️