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Perrin Technique Update
Hi everyone! I just wanted to share a treatment that has been working for me. I shared about this earlier but I have completed the initial 12 week course now and week like I should add it again.
With my long covid I developed lymphedema, and have been working with an osteopath in Lake Orion to try and remedy it. I have now completed the Perrin Technique initial 12 week course and have seen significant results/improvements in my energy levels as well as I have been able to ween off a lot of my medications. I have been able to workout and get through a full college day and hang out with friends, all of which I couldn’t do before doing the technique.
I’m going to attach a link to the Dr. Perrins website where he has some at home/self help guide if you’d like to try some of the…
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Hooray, I have energy again!!!!!!!
I would like to show you the active ingredient ELENANT, because it not only helps against Long Covid, but completely HEALS!!!!!
I met a very nice woman who discovered the active ingredient against Long Covid through research on the cell scan. This active ingredient has already helped 1000 people without any side effects. I ask you to contact so that you can be cured of this terrible disease. She also posts on Facebook: @ellen.kirschner.9 but the posts are in German.
With best regards Philipp Klapp
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Neuropathic pain
hello everyone! has anyone of you experienced or are experiencing neuropathic pain? Is it part of dysautonomia?
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This helped me with my cognitive decline Hyperbaric oxygenation therapy
Hi Jemma, I stumbled on your account having been in a rut since I was infected with post Covid back in 2022. It Left me practically half paralysed. Thankfully that is no longer the case. My brain was also no longer functioning normally and it was like I had a split personality living from the outside looking in. I knew something was really wrong when I screamed and yelled at my best friend who was 8 months pregnant at the time. I was never a violent person. I also nearly burnt our house down, twice, because I forgot to turn off the stove (thankfully my husband woke up in the middle of the night and smelled the gas). Etc. Etc. Anyways… As you know, all in all, I had countless symptoms/ incidents(cognitive and physical). I was labelled (like many others) burnt out/ psychosomatic. But, to me it wasn’t logical, it…

I wish I knew, I suffered with chronic pain prior to getting LC. The pain since LC is worse at times but I really don't know if is anything to do with LC. Mentally it is very difficult having 2 different health conditions that nobody believes.